About: DilettaBellotti

Bio: I am bizarre. Yet I have mainstream passions: I like beautiful things like art, nice people and silence. I hold firmly my values of peace and respect, I may sound very strict and annoying at this point. I used to paint but I quit, I used to read lot of poetry but I quit. I basically quit lots of things since the whirl of daily news absorbed my time and my energy. I am an optimistic fatalist and go with the flow, a flow I dammed myself.

Posts by DilettaBellotti:

What We Talk About When We Talk About Terrorism

Posted on: 26 Oct 2016

Since 9/11, or probably few years before, we have been living in the Era of the War on Terror. Terrorism and its affiliates it is something we hear in everyday life, while we drink our coffee, take the train to go to work or cook some food. We hear about massive terroristic attacks and cruel terrorists with unknown faces. We find their terrifying videos on the web. But how can we define terror and is it always terrorism? Terror means extreme fear. The Oxford Dictionary defines Terrorism as : “the…

#OccupytheDebates Campaign Against the U.S. Oligarchy

Posted on: 11 Oct 2016

On October the 9th, the two main presidential candidates met for the second time in the Debate that will set the future U.S. leader. There are four candidates competing for the presidency. The two from the main parties, the Republican and the Democratic, confronted on the issues that they will face in their future position. The Independent candidates are not permitted to take part in the debates, and such action is undemocratic. Jill Stein, the candidate for the Green Party launched the campaign #OccupytheDebates in order to fight the exclusion…

BlackMonday: Strikes Against Abortion Law in Poland

Posted on: 04 Oct 2016

Poland is experiencing a reinforcement of the laws against abortion. Last week, the Polish Parliament started the legal procedures to reduce the cases in which a woman can legally abort in the country. Currently, the law provides for three cases: -risk of death for the mother -serious medical issues with the fetus -pregnancy caused by sexual violence The new law will legally provide for abortion solely in the first case. With the breaking of the current law, one can be convicted to two years in prison, with the new one,…

Fell Through Accords Between the FARC and the Colombian Government

Posted on: 04 Oct 2016

On October the 2nd, the Colombian people were called to vote in a plebiscite over the accords between the Colombian government and the FARC. On September 26th, the government and the FARC signed the agreements to end 52 years of civil war but the agreements were not confirmed by popular consensus and therefore the accords fell through. In a previous article, I explained in deep the implications of the accords.   “50.22% of voters voted “no” on the single-issue ballot,” argues the CNN. The result is a defeat for President Santos that…

Blueberry Soup: a Documentary on Iceland Crisis

Posted on: 28 Sep 2016

Blueberry Soup is a Documentary by Eileen Jerrett. It arose eventually from the tragic event of “Icelandic bankers bring[ing] the nation to its knees and caus[ing] the legislature to rewrite the constitution,” how pronounces the Internet.  The documentary was released in 2013 and tells the story of a country that felt like a “sheep left to die” in the depths of an economic crisis. It is compelling how countries and people can react differently to more or less the same incentives. Icelanders did not only experience and financial crisis but also…